Make Your Initial Impression A Good One

Career spelled out in Scrabble tiles

                When a new employee is hired, it is highly likely that after the first few days on the job, the owner or someone from management is going to ask a simple question of a shop supervisor. “So, how is the new employee working out?”

                The answer given is very important. It usually doesn’t take long for a supervisor to form an opinion on a new employee.   With that in mind, I’ve made a list of dos and don’ts to help get things started on the right foot.


·         Show up 10-15 minutes prior to your shift.

·         Pay close attention to everything you are being told.

·         Follow shop rules and instructions EXACTLY as they were told to you.

·         Bring a notebook to keep notes on items you are being trained on.

·         Be at your machine throughout your shift.

·         When being instructed on matters such as loading a part, inspecting a part, or any other type of knowledge your new employer is trying to impart to you; answer with “Ok, yes or I will”. Try to refrain from saying “I know”.  It makes you come off as someone who thinks they don’t need any training or a “know it all”.

·         Ask questions if you are unsure of anything.  

·         Smile and be pleasant.


·         Ask when you will be trained on a new part or job.

·         Ask if you can work overtime week one.

·         Be a know it all or tell everyone “how things were done” at the last placed you worked (No one really cares).

·         Claim to know more than you really do.

·         Ask when you can move to first shift, when you were just hired for second or third.