Jump Into The Talent Pool…The Water Is Fine

Dive into Pool

It seems everywhere you look, you’ll read or hear something regarding industry being unable to find enough workers to fill all the jobs that are available. Companies continually draw on what is called a talent pool to fill these spots. Their talent pool is individuals inside or outside of an organization that can fill new roles or positions as they become available.  It’s important you are viewed as someone who is worthy to be in that pool.

Many times a company prefers to promote from within to fill positions.  It makes sense. They have a comfort level with current individuals who are already employed by the company and have an understanding of the individual including their current skills, abilities, and temperament.  Companies also have a responsibility to look outside of the organization to make sure they increase their chances of finding the most talented groups from which to select candidates.

If you are looking to expand your horizons internally at your place of employment, or grow with another organization, there are certain behaviors or traits that will prove helpful. To increase your odds of being selected for advancement, a new position, or a role outside your current company make sure you are viewed as someone who exhibits some or all of the following characteristics:

1)      You care about things. That should include the company you work for, your fellow employees, and the customers you provide parts to. You follow company policy and procedures, as well as fit in well with company values and culture. It’s easy to spot someone who cares.


2)      You have the skills necessary for the role right now.  You are reliable, you produce quality work, and you are dedicated to getting the job done.


3)      You show potential. Perhaps you don’t have all the skills or competencies required at this exact moment in time. However, you can more than make up for that by being someone who is easy to work with, is willing and able to learn, and is excited about the future and your role in it.